So lock down is getting less locked, I've had a precautionary needle in my arm, I've planted seeds in the garden , eaten Easter chocolate and been crazy busy with all sorts!
Through all of this though Annanetta moves forward - so here's a brief update on what's been happening :
Water tanks connected to supply travelling water
Fenders all socked and ready to go
New Horseshoe lifebuoys delivered (name stencils to be done)
New Name graphics and boards ready to be fitted
Travelling 12v system on order to be fitted week of 27th April
First 4 trips planned
Slot for Henley Traditional Boat Festival (late Aug Bank Holiday) booked.
New forward deck seats on order
Hatch covers all jet washed and tidy
Loads of brass polishing ahead!!
And there's still plenty to do but what's wonderful is that I can start the engines once a week and enjoy the quiet symphony of the exhaust!!
Its all rather splendid!