I've had the document to the right for the 20 years that I've owned Annanetta. I've looked over it many times before, its lovely. However while the info it imparts has been interesting I've never really fully got my head around it. What it does is give me a firm stake in the ground in that I believe it shows the first time that she was ever privately registered, back in 1970, by a Mr Claude Chaston of Clacton on Sea, Essex. I believe that he had owned Annanetta since 1946. This has for the first time led me to believe that Annanetta may have been based at HMS Nemo at Brightlingsea during the war years.
On the back of the document is the list of owners from 1970 up to 2003 when I bought her which is also something that I haven't properly investigated.

I've updated the full ownership history of Annanetta based on this info on the history page of the overall website. Still exploring and trying to fill the gaps but it feels like I have at least a better skeleton to work with now.
I also recently accidentally met a fascinating gentleman who remembered Annanetta from the 1940's in the Norfolk broads.
I still don't know what she did during the war but the HMS Nemo theory (currently only a theory) is a new avenue of discovery!
So not only is history often right under my nose but its also alive and kicking!!